XYconstant - Her Eyes
- Опубликовано: 18 мар 2025
- Selected - Music on a new level.
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*2019 anyone?* ❤️
Of course :)
me all the time;) 😍💕
It’s a classic 🔥🎶
2024, still the best music I have heard 🙏🏼
Gay comment
This song is the hymn of my teenage years
lol.. no old school music is simply much much better. This song is exceptionally good. 24 had garbage songs.
Insane this song is 10 years old, I found it when I was 17 or 18, now I’m 27. I never met anyone who liked this song, it sucks man I wish to have friends that love this music.
Right !!
seriously. this isnt just a nice vibe. it's beautiful. I think it's rare that "House/electro" songs can express feelings that much.
You are so right.
Dude acts like he's never heard music before
It's sad to read this because that's what house is SUPPOSED to be, that's the reaction it's meant to provoke at it's soul. Glad you heard it, if only once, most people don't even get that these days.
8 years ago this song was made???? I've never heard it till 2022. It's my anthem to work everyday now. Top on my playlists.
I recommend you listen to the house music from 2013-2016. Especially the year 2014
This is a special one
Happy for you to have found this
OMG - been an anthem for me since release. Never gets old.
XYconstant will be remembered as one of the most underrated and timeless house artists, way ahead of their time.
and he made most of his songs when he was 16. kid was a genius
Could not have put it better myself my friend!
@@2wenty7even95 never knew this amazing
Blessed with the songs we got, but such a shame he didn’t carry on this amazing production talent he had 😢
This song is Timeless. I listen it right now and I'll listen the next 20 years. Please come back XYconstant.
what happened to XYconstant? Did he just quit?
Que le pasó al man?
This is still one of the best songs from Selected !
Agreed! for sure! So chill and nicely made.
make sure to listen to it again in 2019
Listen to "get out my head" by red-light!! That's a great selected song too
This was the first track i herd on selected.... And still my fav even though there is nothing but great music on this channel
This song is just perfection, literally flawless.
Krisifyi.... Yea Damn good track... Trancy
Fuck oath sickest song and beat and feels
Just like you 😘
still listen to it have been from day 1 and it always gives me flows of tingles
I listened to this song during lockdown. To me it represented the times I met women that just were so beautiful and it was just a magical time with them but it just wasnt the right timing and it didnt work out, but the whole meeting and encounter with them was so dreamlike and
so magical that I felt I encountered beauty itself. In those times the feeling was surreal and otherworly and it taught me a lot about the present moment and acceptance, some things are just meant to be how they are, and it is maybe a fleeting moment, maybe a few months , a few hours or even a day. Enjoy what is, extract the lesson from it, and keep the memory and energy of that time forever in your heart.
It was lock down myself I found it just been divorced from a TRAINWRECK of a marriage. Spent 8 months with the sexiest bird a man could wish so yeah it always makes me smile and takes me back . LOCK DOWN ROCKED 🎉
@@stevenmason-no5lk sick
@Monettini for sure amigo
Needed to hear this. Thanks for sharing bro.
For those who still comes to listen till this day, just know - You're special.
For years, this track had something special in me, throughout breakups, low's & down's, losing friends, close beautiful human beings, loved ones, that you give your all, but at the end you're nothing to them.. This track still keeps coming to my playlist, to my mind and makes me appreciate how much this song meant to me to stay myself, to ignore the past and just move on.
I was always thinking about the song's name, I even looked at this picture remembering how I loved someone, walked together, sat down, looked at her for hours, tried to help, support, feel everything and just.. really look at her, realize how special I am being where I am and make her special. Now that I think about it, sheeet... how sometimes we listen and we just enjoy, then we listen because we felt like that, can relate. And then at the end - makes us stronger and more powerful in the future. It's like you grow with a song.
No matter who's listening to this song or what you had to deal with - keep pushing yourself, keep being you and keep enjoying little things that makes you happy. 🖤
I feel you bro. Same with me.
Keep your head up bro.. i went to hell and back over some loveless woman. Now im very happy and glad shes gone. Things always get better.
Rafael Rodriguez same bro. Did just the same shit...
During the heartbreak, music like this made me feel just a bit better. All i would do was ask my Amazon Echo to place this stuff. Glad your alright now Alex
Really Helpfull Bro. Take Care
the nostalgia this song gave me is unreal
It makes even my tired and troubled heart want to dance again.
Absolute one of the best tracks out there in the genre.
My opinion.
Thx a. million!
Listened to this song for years and yes why isn’t this on Apple and Spotify.
This song comes on and you want to a last minutes night out straight away. Banger.
Because it’s underground
2021, anyone?
Still a mthfckn banger, holyyy
Time is really mind blowing felt like I found it yesterday but in reality been listening to it since it came out and the old selected type of music , brings tears to my eyes. Wow we really are growing
I seriously can't believe this came out 8 years ago. Blows my mind
Feeling this song before i met my ex , even more when I’m with her and still after her. Treasuring the good and bad ❤️
My favourite for 2 years now +++ positive emotions
The feelings this song gives is insane
Still sounds fresh..2021 🔥
Anyone who loves this type of music ,ill instantly be friends with you
CottA you are awesome.
@CottA You Have A Friend In Me😊
love u
It's awesome dude
2014...when selected. was a Deep House channel
driving with my best friends in my old bmw on a summer day to the next lake, a cold beer in my hand and that sound in my ears. thats nothing more i need
dont drink and drive
@@superdivinus987 as more you drink and drive than more you will get better in it
@@duke9877 i am already the best. the problem is that i am arrogant driver
When will you Pick me up for a ride? ❤
@ just tell me a time
2020 - Still addicted!
Craig Short always bangs this track!
Yessss!!! And I still change the lyrics to ‘do you know how HE looked at me!!!’
its been 8 years and im still addicted to meth
I have never loved a song like this
How is this not on Spotify! We need this in our lives
Never getting this on Spotify… absolute masterpiece
I just love this type of music. Every time I browse Selected., I get tons of memories from the music
Too many memories man
me too man
Stopppp brother fucking animal of a tune
This song describes my hole summer ❤
CMB 223 it's hard man
samee bro
It's a beautiful pre-summer Saturday and after a couple of really hot it's been raining for 3 hours now. I love the sound of such tracks with real rain in the background.
this song is pure ecstasy to my brain, I'm loving so much comebacks to those older Selected uploads
Listening to it over 6 years.. such a deep track!
End of 2020 and we are still listening :)
Bringing this into 2025! 🔥
How can anyone dislike this tune? Fucking awesome song.
This Song Sucks...
Tits, Clits 'N' Beer Bottles!!!!!!
They turned the screen around so they can like the song again ;)
Alex O. And you obviously cannot read correctly. Not my fault.
Alex O. You sir sound mad. How do I know this? You could not comprehend the statement I typed. Good day sir!
It has been longer than 2 years and I always feel better than before every single time I hear this tune. It is absolutely something magical
This track just... Paralyzes me
Jay GowZaa the perfect word ;)
Johnny Quid1 ... Right, it's crazy what good music can do for the mind
@@medfree849 k ggvv g ch gv Gg von GG)) CBGB) vgv)ggg GC v VV v VV v bryg HBV DJ v vvvvp vv.
Johnny Quid1 I’m glad y’all feel the same! Cuz I feel the exact same way also 😃
@@El_clepacio tak samo
this song is love at first sight
This era was gold
coming back again and again and again
Underrated af.
I'm glad it is, i don't want these gems to go mainstream and get ruined
+iputtheinternetonmyback True Af, i'm always struggling when thinking about songs being underrated. You don't want a Song to get ruined by 12 yo wasted white girls but on the other side you want the Artist to get the support, money, fame etc he deserves 😂
MeltedVideosHD lol nailed it, exactly how i feel. The struggle is way too real
How would the quality of the "gem" change ? That makes no sense.
The only thing which would change is the artist.
I think just hearing it play 45947845634 times on the radio can ruin a song pretty fuggin fast.
She will create herself she can read my mind knows exactly what I like ❤
XYConstant and WHTKD collaboration would be a dream
ye but xyconstant disappeared idk if that will ever happen
2024 and still listening
From the way she looks at me
I know she got love for me
I know, I know her eyes
From the way she looks at me
She dropped the bomb
Let her know...... Lol
Yes..you know from the way they look at you....always!
Thank you ❤️
2024 ❤❤❤ ??? Still rockin🎉
This guy live is something else.
Checked just 2 XYconstant tracks and already in love with his melodic/emotional type of chord progression. U earned another fan. Great job!
0:00 - 1:29 is just SO perfect 🥰
2020 - Stay healthy everyone! ♥️ Still love this song
2021 and still one of my favorite of all time. This song is soo sick...
The thing that makes house music so pure is that the experience is natural and listeners from all baclgrounds can relate. Genres such as hiphop dont share this property as a listener you would need to understand and resonate with the message. In that respect the artist can determin the listener. An alien could have produced this song and i would still listen. HOUSE IS UNIVERSAL!
So many memories from this point of my life, will forever be a legendary song in my life’s highlight reel
anyone has any idea where do all these gem artists dissapear?
XYconstant hasnt been posting on his socials for years now.
i occasionally check out some of the other musicians' pages, whose songs i found long ago, and the common trend is they just stop posting or do any activity on the internet.
hopefully they are ok and just decided to move on with their lives to do something else, their music will be in my heart forever ❤️
@@danielfraser643 yeh, i think it has something to do with the money aspect of life
It doesn't sound like music that's 10 years old at all... 👍😍
This song is five years old and still bangs 🔥
Now 7 years old and still 💣💣🎊🎉
This tune and was one of the main reasons I got into making music, still love this absolute vibe in 2022
love the use of multiple beat structures. Tune got levels
i listened to this when i was with my ex wife. I reject any tune that reminds me of her. Still rock this. Its just too good it avoid
2022 and this song makes me have goosebumps still. It's so special
How could i ever forget this gem of a track. Stills slaps!
Only just discovered this 2018. Brilliant
I am late as well. But still nice to see not only ;)
Same bro!
After Lockdown this beat hits differently 👌
After Lockdown is before Lockdown
I still just listen to it when I feel like I want to put myself in another sphere I love the vibe and the energy so much
Selected in 2022 we’re all gonna make it bro. For real whoever you are in whatever country, city, county, we’re gonna be 30 looking back at our favorite selected and edm song
Still here... will never leave... best selected song of all time
Sick summer track right here! I love driving around listening to this....
bro I need a party with this type music asap ... this is amazing. 👍👌🎶🎧👽
Christian Sandoval ... I've been to a couple house party's that played EDM all night and it was off the hook.... Fun nights
Christian Sandoval where the party at!? Totally agree 👌🏽
Yesssss 🔥🔥🔥
Need this song on spotify!!😩
I would love to hear new music from XYconstant. I hope he's still alive and well
2025 and I'm still hooked to this Evergreen 💚
Probably my favourite song by XYconstant and it’s not on Spotify ! 😔
afropunkx yeah it’s sad :(
Feel you
Da best is no further
The pain of not having this banger on Apple Music is realllllllllll
It's called ilove ft Liza torr by John Epps
Listening to this song helped me get out of a really, really deep depression! And it gave me tranquility!
The second drop.. GODDAMN
Definetly still a banger after that many years 😍
2021 this track is still amazing, too bad that's not available on spotify 😢
Working out at the gym to this song💪 Always Believe in YOU!!!!!❤
Beautiful track, long time of best sound.
2021 and I keep listening and getting emotional with this song. Still one of my favorites
2021 still lovely
Man relate to this song for so many years
Put it on spotify pls! Such a good song
Jesus, what a super song!!! No words to describe it. Just perfect. woooooaahhhh yeah
This is exactly why xyconstant is my favorite artist!
Look at her eyes the whole Song and dance to it. Thats Very intense feeling ❤️
Let’s hear it for 2019 still absolutely LOVING this song my people?!!!! We call it HOUSEMUSIC 🙏🏼🙌🏽
Think in the past and youll be depressed think in the future and youll be anxious think now and youll live in bliss x
I usually only listen to music whilst driving but I've just found this and love it so much I repeated it constantly in the car today and am now listening to it in bed 💛
2019 On est là
C'est une tuerie t'es musiques
C'est l'une des meilleurs.
Selected in the place in the floor in home in all over 🗼🗽⛪🕌🕍⛩
Why isn’t it on Spotify? I’ve been waiting for 2 years now 😩
Been wondering the same thing honestly....
Why spotify if you could download on your phone?
Does anyone knows how was listening to music before all this spotify, apple music, deezer... 🤨
Deezer 😎
because spotify is trash
Major chills, vibes!!! Used to listen to this on my way to school(2015-ish), man this makes me emotional 🥲
in love with this song, could play it over and over again 😍👌🏼
Anybody still listening and missing xyconstant? Such a talent
Simple, yet amazing ❤️
Jessica Louise91 you got beautiful eyes too
Jessica Louise91.... It's got like a trance/chill vibe.....i like it too
I'm glad I found this song again after 8 years!
This song helped me through college 3 years ago.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I just.... I can’t ... masterpiece 💯
Keep uploading music in this style !!! Dope
2022 ❤️ I feel so connected to this song , always finds a way back 🙌🙌